Can I create a Joint Will using this service?

Although it is legally possible to create a joint Will with one document serving two people, it is not supported at
Joint Wills used to be created with the intention of saving time and expense involved in creating two separate Wills. Most estate planning attorneys practicing today however, avoid creating joint Wills because of the awkwardness and difficulties that can arise in interpreting their terms, as it can leave the surviving partner bound by terms that make no sense once the first partner has passed away.
Using the service at we encourage each partner to prepare their own Will individually. You would name each other as your main beneficiary, and then have an alternate plan in case you were both involved in a common accident. This is called a Mirror Will and is supported through our service.
There is no advantage to having one document and many disadvantages. You need not pay the full amount twice. The cost for an individual will is $49.95, while it is only $79.95 for a couple.